Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Syd Barrett - Octopus


Trip to heave and ho, up down, to and fro', you have no word
Trip, trip to a dream dragon, hide your wings in a ghost tower
Sails cackling at every plate we break
Cracked by scattered needles the little minute gong coughs and clears his throat
Madam you see before you stand, hey ho, never be still
The old original favorite grand, grasshoppers green Herbarian band
And the tune they play is "In Us Confide"
So trip to heave and ho, up down, to and fro', you have no word
Please leave us here, close our eyes to the octopus ride!

Isn't it good to be lost in the wood
Isn't it bad so quiet there, in the wood
Meant even less to me than I thought
With a honey plough of yellow prickly seeds
Clover honey pots and mystic shining feed

Well, the madcap laughed at the man on the border, hey ho, huff the Talbot
"Cheat" he cried shouting kangaroo, it's true in their tree they cried
Please leave us here, close our eyes to the octopus ride!

Please leave us here, close our eyes to the octopus ride!

The madcap laughed at the man on the border, hey ho, huff the Talbot
The winds they blew and the leaves did wag
They'll never put me in their bag, the seas will reach and always seep
So high you go, so low you creep, the wind it blows in tropical heat
The drones they throng on mossy seats, the squeaking door will always squeak
Two up, two down we'll never meet, so merrily trip forgo my side
Please leave us here, close our eyes to the octopus ride!

Syd Barrett - Dark Globe

Dark Globe

Oh, where are you now?
Pussy willow that smiled on this leaf
When I was alone
You promised a stone from your heart

My head kissed the ground
I was half the way down treading the sand
Please, please lift a hand
I'm only a person whose armbands beat on his hands
Hang tall, won't you miss me?
Wouldn't you miss me at all?

The poppy bird's way
Swing twigs coffee brands around
Brandish her wand with a feathery tongue

My head kissed the ground
I was half the way down treading the sand
Please, please, please lift a hand
I'm only a person with Eskimo chain
I tattooed my brain all the way
Won't you miss me?
Wouldn't you miss me at all?


Dark Globe by Syd Barrett - cover by David Gilmour

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Teresa Wilms Montt ---- Lo que no se ha dicho

“Hay en mi alma un pozo muerto, donde no
se refleja el sol, y del que huyen los pájaros
con terrores de virgen ante un misterio de

Mi alma es un palacio de piedra, donde habitan los ausentes,
trayéndome la sombra de
sus cuerpos para alivio y compañía de mi

Mi alma es un campo desbastado donde el
rayo quemó hasta las raíces, y donde no
puede florecer ni el cardo.

Mi alma es una huérfana loca, que anda de
tumba en tumba buscando el amor de los

Mi alma es una flecha de oro perdida en un
charco de fango.

Mi alma, mi pobre alma, es una ciega que
marcha a tientas sin apoyo y sin guía”.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Rio clarillo. Región metropolitana Chile

Trakl und Himmel unter dem Arm

Georg Trakl –––––– Crepúsculo en el alma

Geistliche Dämmerung
Still begegnet am Saum des Waldes
Ein dunkles Wild;
Am Hügel endet leise der Abendwind,

Verstummt die Klege der Amsel,
Und die sanften Flöten des Herbstes
Schweigen im Rohr.

Auf schwarzer Wolke
Befährst du trunken von Mohn
Den nächtogen Weiher,

Den Sternenhimmel,
Immer tönt der Schwester mondene Stimme

Durch die geistliche Nacht.

Crepúsculo en el alma
(Traducción de José Luis Arántegui)

Silenciosa va a dar al lindero del bosque
una bestia oscura;
en el cerro acaba quedo el viento de la tarde,

enmudece en su queja el mirlo,
y blandas flautas del otoño
callan entre los juncos.

En una negra nube
navegas ebrio de amapolas
la alberca de la noche,

el cielo de los astros.
Aún resuena la voz de luna de la hermana
en la noche del alma.